- 噢,glitch就是技术故障。电脑或软件不能正常运作时往往就是因为有了故障。那你们弄清楚了没有电脑软件到底是什么问题呢? A glitch is a technical problem. When your computer or software doesn't work the way it is supposed to, it often has a glitch.
- 脉冲星钟 pulsar clock
- 首先介绍了脉冲星的色散形成原因以及几种当今流行的消色散算法。 First of all the reason of the pulsar dispersion and several popular de-dispersion algrithms are introduced.
- X射线脉冲星 X-ray pulsar
- 老年脉冲星 old pulsars
- 脉冲星导航 Pulsar navigation
- 脉冲星自转突快 glitch of pulsar
- 脉冲星磁层物理 Physics Of The Pulsar Magnetosphere
- 综合脉冲星时 ensemble pulsar time
- 事实上,人们通常用周期与周期年变率之比来表示脉冲星的减速。 In fact, it is common practice to express the pulsar slowdown as the period divided by the period change per year.
- 反常X射线脉冲星 anomalous X-ray pulsars
- 脉冲星磁场的演化 Evolution of Normal Pulsar Magnetic Fields
- 脉冲星为什么旋转? Pulsar spins from an instability in the accretion shock of supernovae?
- 事实上,人们通常用周期与周期年变率之比来表示脉冲星的减速。 In fact, it is common practice to express the pulsar slowdown as the period divided by the period change per year.
- 他们发现了一个新的脉冲星尾迹。 They discovered a new pulsar wake.
- 单脉冲星自主导航 single pulsar for automatic navigation (SPAN)
- 脉冲星辐射区结构 structure of emission regions
- 毫秒脉冲星的高能辐射 The high-energy emission from millisecond pulsars
- 毫秒脉冲星计时观测进展 Progress on Millisecond Pulsar Timing Observations
- 脉冲星、中子星与夸克星 Pulsar, Neutron Star and Quark Star